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14. Neurodivergent Social Work Voices Campaign: Kristine

Writer: FlossyFlossy

Today I am speaking with Kristine, an ADHDer newly qualified social worker working with children and families. In our conversation, Kristine explains how having a statutory placement can help neurodivergent social workers feel ready to work in the sector. Kristine shares how she feels social work is perfect for ADHDers, because of the fast passed work and because of the varied work we do with people. However, shares that small distractions like phone notifications can pull us off our path. Kristine celebrates her creativity in her work with children and families and credits this to her neurodivergence.

If you are interested in learning more about neurodivergence in social work to either support yourself, support a colleague, or to help you create a neuro-inclusive environment for a team, check out our website:

Sign up to the special interest group for all things peer support:


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