Today I am talking with Siobhan, an independent social worker, trainer, writer and practice educator with an acquired neurodivergence. Siobhan shares how after her stroke her brain worked differently to before, this was one of the influences to creating her well-known social work theory cards. Siobhan also explains how reading and learning new systems have become more difficult for her, however, she finds she becomes more absorbed in activities now, which enables her to give her whole self when delivering training or working with student social workers.
If you are interested in learning more about neurodivergence in social work to either support yourself, support a colleague, or to help you create a neuro-inclusive environment for a team, check out our website: https://ndsocialworker.wixsite.com/ndsw
Sign up to the special interest group for all things peer support: https://www.basw.co.uk/events/neurodivergent-social-workers-special-interest-group-nsw-sig