This is the final episode of the Neurodivergent Social Work Voices Campaign! We have heard from 18 amazing neurosparkly social workers from across the profession. And today we are going to speak to one more!
Today I am speaking with Jenni an Autistic and ADHDer social worker. Jenni is a principal curriculum lead at Frontline, a community space facilitator, chair of trustees, writer and trainer. In our conversation, Jenni discusses the importance of getting neuro-inclusion right for clients, social workers, managers and heads of service; the importance of assuming we (neurodivergent people) are everywhere; and the importance of considering neurodivergence in everything we do in social work. Jenni shares the many strengths she experiences because of her neurodivergence and explains how she tunes this into her practice.
If you are interested in learning more about neurodivergence in social work to either support yourself, support a colleague, or to help you create a neuro-inclusive environment for a team, check out our website: https://ndsocialworker.wixsite.com/ndsw
Sign up to the special interest group for all things peer support: https://www.basw.co.uk/events/neurodivergent-social-workers-special-interest-group-nsw-sig
Finally, check out Jenni’s website, The Autistic Social Worker: https://www.autisticsocialworker.co.uk